To summarize in a single sentence, I think this is a really bad idea,
and would like to strongly urge you NOT to do this. If you think there
is a need for such a venue, I see nothing wrong in suggesting to have
one. But why kill a really good meeting, like STOC.
For a longer version: you are comparing to how scientific meetings
work in other science fields, and basically suggest that we adapt to
how meetings work at other science fields. Each field has its own
culture, and I am sure the way the physics community works is well
supported by the way they run their meetings. However, we are a
subfield of computer science (as an ACM SIG), and it is best for us if
our meetings are set up similar to meetings in other CS areas. This
certainly helps those of us in academic computer science departments,
where the people from the other subareas of computer science are our
immediate colleagues. Typically CS subfields are organized around
selective conferences like FOCS and STOC. The systems people has SOSP
and OSDI, the database people have SIGMOD and VLDB, vision people have
CVPR and ICCV, the machine learning area has ICML and NIPS,
programming languages has POPL and PLDI, graphics has SIGGRAPH, etc.
You correctly point out that other scientific communities are not
organized around such meetings. The math community isn’t, physics
mostly isn’t, chemistry isn’t, and other engineering fields
aren’t either. But CS fields are. There are huge benefits of
having a community and meeting structure that is more similar to other
subfield of computer science, than to math. I do admit that scientific
computing is more like math and not CS. But they increasingly do get
questioned whether they should belong to math or to CS. The majority
of academics in our community are in CS departments (as are all but
one members of this EC). It serves our field incredibly well that we
are well integrated in the broader computer science community. By
being in CS departments (or CS groups at companies) we get involved
and impact issues that the broader community thinks about. This is
important to each of us, and certainly important to our field. I think
the proposed more math-like arrangement of the new STOC will hurt our
ability to do this. I can still remember the not-so distant past when
many theoreticians felt that their area was questioned in their own
department. Do you remember the Karp committee report on the future
of theoretical computer science from 1997. We are at a much better
point today. Changing our meeting structure closer to the math
community is a pretty big step in the wrong direction.
I assume you will argue that your proposal kept one such conference
FOCS, and that should be enough. I argue that its not enough. As you
saw on the list most areas have two and they often have a spring and a
fall one (just like we do). The graphics community has one only:
SIGGRAPH, and this single highest quality publication venue makes life
really hard for graphics people. They focus a lot of their afford all
year on the December SIGGRAPH deadline. Waiting 9+ months to get
something published at FOCS (or submitted to FOCS) does not seem
healthy for the community and does not seem good for science. Systems
till relatively recently had only one such opportunity SOSP and OSDI
alternating both in the fall. They added the related NSDI in the
springs 7 years ago.
Answering your concrete questions, I do feel STOC adequately serves
the community. I am sure not perfect, nothing is perfect. Improvement
is always possible. But the proposal is a big step in the wrong
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